
The application of oily residues produced by PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. -PETROBRÁS in the manufacturing of ceramic bricks appears as a promising alternative of their reutilization, in comparison with the traditional method of storage in ponds or dikes and to the biodégradation process by landfarming. The application of said residues started experimentally in 1988, in a ceramic bricks factory located in the Paraíba do Sul Valley, State of São Paulo, near the Henrique Lage Refinery (REVAP). In mid-1989, the Presidente Bernardes Refinery (RPBC), the Capuava Refinery (RECAP) and the Petroleum Products Terminals of São Paulo (TEDEP) started sending oily residues to factories participating in the Red Ceramics Association of Itu and its Region (ACERVIR). As an advantage of this process, almost all the costs with disposal of said residues are eliminated for PETROBRÁS; on the other hand, the reduction in maintenance costs, lower energy consumption, and a significant increase in production are advantages for the ceramics factories.

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