
This article discusses the geological structure and prospects of the oil and gas potential in the northeastern part of the Predpatom trough. The materials of the study included geological findings from deep drilling and data from direct geochemical studies conducted in recent years. It describes the specific features of the structural plans of the upper versus the lower part of the geological cross-section. It is assumed that deep drilling in the area of the Ulugur structure has not reached the target productive horizons in the autochthonous part of the section. After acquiring more recent seismic data, there is a proposal to drill a deeper exploratory well in the area. As another priority target for oil and gas exploration, a potential zone of Vendian clastic deposits wedging on the southwestern slope of the Suntar uplift has been identified. A forecast has been made for the distribution of lithological traps stacked with well-sorted granular Vendian reservoirs in the northern parts of the Ergedzheysky and Ulugursky license areas. In the allochthonous part of the section, the potential for oil and gas content in carbonate deposits from the Vendian and Lower Cambrian periods is highlighted in reservoirs formed by secondary processes. It is assumed that thrust deformations could lead to the circulation of aggressive solutions, resulting in the formation of secondary fractured cavernous reservoirs. Subsequently, hydrocarbon accumulations may migrate and accumulate within these reservoirs. Good gas prospects were also noted in the upper part of the section, where gas deposits were confirmed in newly discovered fields. The results of direct geochemical testing of the Ulugur and Ergedzheysky license areas are presented, enabling the preliminary delineation of promising zones and areas in the studied territory. At the same time, narrow elongated geochemical anomalies are associated with the prospects of the allochthonous part of the section, while isometric anomalies are linked to the autochthonous part of the section. The need to consolidate all available geological and geophysical information on the Pre-Atomic deflection within the framework of case studies is noted.

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