
Lake Ohrid is within the borders of North Macedonia and Albania today. Being an important fishing center in Rumelia, the lake came to the fore with some problems related to flooding and fishing during the Ottoman period. There are important cities and towns called Ohrid, Ustruga (Struga) and Istarova on the lake shore. This study has two main aims. The first one is to find the answer to the question, “What kind of method has been followed to prevent the floods to which the people living around Lake Ohrid are exposed?”; the other is to determine the reaction of the people to the iltizam system applied in the collection of taxes collected from fishing, which is the main source of income of the local people, and the problems that arise. We can add to these the potential of fishing revenues in Lake Ohrid. The local people are not satisfied with the iltizam system regarding the collection of fishing taxes. The wish of the people is that fishing is free in exchange for 1/5 of the revenue. The fish tax obtained from Lake Ohrid in 1891 constituted approximately 5.60% of the total fish income in the country. In our study, Ottoman archival documents were used to a large extent. In addition, other sources were also consulted.

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