
The increased requirements to the microelectronics regarding the device potential for work at high temperatures, high powers, and high frequencies and in harsh environments engendered the increased interest to the wide band-gap semiconductors. They are considered as a third generation materials in the semiconductor industry, after Si and Ge, and A3B5 compounds and their solid solutions. Several materials of the wide band-gap semiconductor group such as SiC, III-V nitrides (GaN, AlN, c-BN), ZnSe, and diamond are very important for the device industry. The unique combination of physical properties in these materials allows development of devices, which could be applied in fields where the devices of the first and second generations cannot be used. Whereas Si and GaAs are chemically stable at 400 0C and 650 0C, respectively, SiC and III-V nitrides are stable up to 1000 0C (Meyer & Metzger, 1996). This high thermal stability allows development of new class high temperature and high power devices with maximal working temperature of 600 0C, which is three and four times higher than this one of GaAs and Si devices, respectively. Among the wide band-gap semiconductors, SiC and GaN have been most successfully applied in the device fabrication. These semiconductors offer a higher electric breakdown field (4-20 times), a higher thermal conductivity (3-13 times), and a larger saturated electron drift velocity (2-2.5 times) in comparison with silicon. These features make them very useful materials in development of high temperature and high power devices. The advantages of SiC and III-V nitrides technologies allowed manufacture of SiC-based and GaN-based devices such as unipolar high-voltage power FETs (MOSFET, JFET and HEMT), bipolar power diodes (p-n and p-i-n) and transistors (BJT, IGBT and HBT). The existing applications present many challenges in obtaining high-performance ohmic contacts because they are limiting for device functioning. The ohmic contacts are a critical factor that could restrict the high power and high temperature device application. The high operating temperatures may cause diffusion processes in the contact layer and reactions between the contact components, which could lead to changes of the contact properties during operation at high temperatures, and deterioration of the devices. If the contact resistivity is not sufficiently low inadmissible high voltage drop could arise due to the high current density in the contact of the high power devices. Hence, the following requirements to the ohmic contacts are decisive for application in high power and high temperature microelectronics:

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