
pornographic modern material, and (her last point was almost shouted in triumph) by becoming liberal and politically correct and introducing multicultural things, all second or third-rate. Was there ever such a time? No, and anyone who knows a little about the history of secondary English teaching in the United States recognizes that Camelot was never ours. We are a group forever doomed to have problems teaching language, literature, and composition and, it seems, to find only temporary fixes for those problems. The first article in the first issue (January) of the first year (1912) of the English Journal, for example, was Edwin M. Hopkins's Can Good Corposition Be Done under Present Conditions?' The entire first paragraph answered No. So much for the good old days. Fifteen years earlier, Samuel Thurber in a brilliant article, Five Axioms of Composition Teaching in the January 1897 School Review lamented that all teachers, English included, ought to share in the responsibility for teaching writing: ... the special teacher of composition should be abolished. He does no good, and he stands in the way.... the reading of juvenile writing in great quantities is inconsistent with mental and physical health. All the teachers of a school should share

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