
This article analyzes the creative concept of the fantastic work of A.K. Goldebaev "Bez letoischisleniia" ["Without chronology"], which was described in the "diary" of the writer. Comparing the plot frames of some of Goldebaev's published novels and stories, such as "V chem prichina?" ("Ssora")["What is the reason?" (Quarrel)] (1903), "Podonki" [Scum] (1904), "Podloe sostoianie" [Mean Condition] (1906), "Letniy otdykh" ("V stepi") [Summer Vacation (In the prairie)] (1907), "Galchonok" ["Young jackdaw"] (1910), "Mama ushla" [Mom is gone] (1910 ), "Gnomy" [Gnomes] (1911), the author of the article comes to the conclusion that, according to the idea, the novel or story "Bez letoischisleniia" ["Without chronology"] should have contained a solution to all the problems raised by the writer at different creative stages. Thus, the writer models an ideal, utopian, in his opinion, world, cleansed of the sins and problems of contemporary society, including poverty, illness, prostitution, adultery and, as a result, unhappy children. The main research methods in the article are comparative and structural. The novelty of the scientific work is, firstly, in the attention to the plot of the work, described in the writer's "diary" not presented to the general reader, and secondly, in comparison of the creative sketch with the already published works, that reveales it deep meaning. It is worth noting that it is quite possible that the plot of the final version, stored in the form of a manuscript in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, is fundamentally different from the sketch. Thus, the author of the article emphasized the value and seriousness of the problems of the literary sketch, which, at first glance, seems to be a naive fantasy of the writer.

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