
Abstract Background Major upper gastro-intestinal (UGI) cancer surgery in combination with chemotherapy offers the best chance of cure for patients with oesophageal and gastric cancer. However, these treatments have significant long-term side-effects resulting in a high symptom burden in this patient group. This adversely affects quality of life and places significant demands on healthcare after surgery. There is a large variation in follow-up services nationally, with little guidance on optimal practice. Methods A clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and Dietitian led clinic has been utilised in this patient group for 12 years at St Thomas’ hospital, with UGI surgeon support as required. In 2021, a survivorship multi-disciplinary team meeting (MDM) consisting of CNS, Dietitian, Gastroenterologist, UGI surgeon and psychologist was introduced. This aimed to support the clinic by discussing management of complex cases. Results Since 2011, approximately 3000 patient consults have been undertaken in the survivorship clinic. These patients benefited from specialist follow-up, expertise in symptom management, holistic needs assessments, recurrence surveillance and specialist dietetic advice. These patients were removed from surgical and oncology out-patient clinics, creating greater capacity in these services. Patient feedback has consistently supported this model of follow-up. Complex patients are discussed in the survivorship MDM which supports the clinic. Conclusions CNS and Dietitian led clinics, alongside a survivorship MDM, may provide a better model of follow-up compared to traditional surgical clinics by offering a greater breadth of expertise and consistency of follow-up. Evaluation of patient centred outcomes and economic analysis, in addition to on-going national initiatives to standardise the investigation and management of symptoms following major UGI surgery, would support replicating this model in other centres.

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