
BRITISH. Indian Physiologist. Edited by Prof. Nibaran Chandra Bhattacharyya No. 1, January. Pp. 52. (Calcutta: Chuckerverity, Chatterjee and Co.Ltd.) 8 annas. Dominion of Canada. Report of the Department of Mines for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 1927. (No. 2142.) Pp. v + 59. (Ottawa: F. A. Acland.) 15 cents. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 55, Part 3, No. 25: The Anatomy of a Foetal African Elephant, Elephas africanus (Loxodonta africana). Part 2: The Body Muscles. By Br. Nellie B. Bales. Pp. 609-642 + 5 plates. (Edinburgh: Robert Grant and Son; London: Williams and Norgate, Ltd.) 6s. Association of Technical Institutions. Agenda Paper and Report of Council (1927) for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday, February 24th, and Saturday, February 25th, 1928, at the Stationers' Hall, London, E.C.4. Pp. 64. Paper read at the Annual General Meeting, February 24th and 25th, 1928, on Education in the Royal Air Force. The Story of an Educational Experiment. By Col. Ivor Curtis. Pp. 27. Draft of Paper to be read at the Annual General Meeting, February 24th and 25th, 192?, on Technical Education for the Boot and Shoe Industry. By F. W. Roberts. Pp. 19. Draft of Paper to be read at the Annual General Meeting, February 24th and 25th, 1928, on Part-time Courses in Commerce in Small Schools. By Principal S. Carter. Pp. 16. Draft of Paper to be read at the Annual General Meeting, February 24th and 25th, 1928, on the Co-operation of Education with Industry and Commerce. Commercial Education. By Principal G. H. Austin. Pp. 16. Draft of Paper to be read at the Annual General Meeting, February 24th and 2 vth, 1928, on The Training of the Architect. By T. P. Bennett. Pp. 16. (London.) University of Leeds. Twenty-third Report, 1926-27. Pp. 192. (Leeds.) Ministry of Health. Seventh Report of the Advisory Committee on the Welfare of the Blind to the Minister of Health, 1926-27. Pp. 33. (London: H.M. Stationery Office.) 6 net. Dove Marine Laboratory, Cullercoats, Northumberland. Report for the Year ending June 30th, 1927. (New Series 16.) Edited by Prof. Alexander Meek. Pp.57. (Cullercoats.) 5s. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain: Pharmacological Laboratories. Second Annual Report, 1927. Pp. 23. (London.) Government of the Gold Coast. Report on the Survey Department for the period April 1926 March 1927. Pp. 34 + 2 plates + 4 maps. (Accra: Colonial Secretariat; London: The Crown Agents for the Colonies.) 2s. Transactions of the Optical Society. Vol. 28, 1926-27, No. 5. Pp. 225-304+xii. 10s. Vol. 29, 1927-2S, No. 1. Pp. 48. 10s. (London.) Department of Agriculture, Ceylon. Bulletin No. 81: Notes on the Cultivation of Sisal, with special reference to Ceylon. By G. Harbord. Pp. 15+11 plates. 40 cents. Bulletin No. 82: Field Experimentation with Rubber (Hevea brasi lien sis). By L. Lord and L. Abeyesundera. Pp. 21. 40 cents. (Peradeniya, Ceylon.)

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