
There are Divisions of Co-ordination; Humanitarian Financing and Resource Mobilization; and Operations and Advocacy. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA's) mandate is to work with UN agencies, governments, intergovernmental humanitarian organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to ensure that a prompt, co-ordinated and effective response is provided to complex humanitarian crises. OCHA's activities are centred on its core functions: coordination; information management; advocacy; policy; and humanitarian financing. OCHA also serves as the secretariat of the UN Disaster Assessment and Co-ordination system, and the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group. International Search and Rescue Advisory Group facilitates information exchange, defines standards for international urban search and rescue assistance, and develops methodology for international coordination in earthquake response. OCHA supports inter-cluster co-ordination, including in their needs assessment, planning and operational phases; collaborates with the global cluster lead agencies, as well as NGOs, on policy development; and provides guidance and support in relation to field activities.

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