
In 2014–2015, nine enclosures built of stone slabs were excavated at Altynkazgan on the Mangyshlak Peninsula, Republic of Kazakhstan. Inside them, remains of offering ceremonies were found: vessels dug into the ground, altars made of limestone blocks, and pits for offerings. In one of these, we found a richly decorated bridle, in another, a belt set of inlaid golden plaques, and in the third, remains of a saddle (silver plates and other items). The entire assemblage has numerous parallels among the 5th and 6th century fi nds from the northern Black Sea area, North Caucasus, and the Volga basin. Ritual burial of a “golden” belt, a bridle, and a ceremonial saddle indicate an advanced cult that included offerings of prestigious belongings of a horseman. These rituals were introduced by Iranian-speaking nomads who had migrated to the eastern Caspian region during the Hunnic raids to Iran in the 5th century. At that time, owing to the regressive phase of the Caspian Sea, the semi-desert northern Caspian coast was connected with Mangyshlak by a land bridge. Our hypotheses are supported by both historical records and modern geomorphological studies of the Caspian Sea.


  • In 2014–2015, nine enclosures built of stone slabs were excavated at Altynkazgan on the Mangyshlak Peninsula, Republic of Kazakhstan

  • The entire assemblage has numerous parallels among the 5th and 6th century finds from the northern Black Sea area, North Caucasus, and the Volga basin

  • Ritual burial of a “golden” belt, a bridle, and a ceremonial saddle indicate an advanced cult that included offerings of prestigious belongings of a horseman. These rituals were introduced by Iranian-speaking nomads who had migrated to the eastern Caspian region during the Hunnic

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Маңғыстау мемлекеттік тарихи-мəдени қорығы 3-ші шағынаудан, 66, Ақтау, 130001, Қазақстан Республикасы. Ритуальные захоронения «золотого» пояса, конской узды и парадного седла свидетельствуют о появлении в Прикаспийском регионе уже развитых культов, предполагавших жертвоприношения престижных для воина-всадника вещей. Становление этих всаднических ритуалов связано с кочевым ираноязычным населением, пришедшим на новые территории во время гуннских походов в Иран – в V в. Ключевые слова: Мангышлак, Каспийское море, гунны, ритуальные захоронения предметов, Атхарваведа. Offerings of Hunnic-type Artifacts in Stone Enclosures at Altynkazgan, the Eastern Caspian Region. Ritual burial of a “golden” belt, a bridle, and a ceremonial saddle indicate an advanced cult that included offerings of prestigious belongings of a horseman. These rituals were introduced by Iranian-speaking nomads who had migrated to the eastern Caspian region during the Hunnic. Из земли пусть охраняет железный! Этот (человек) ушел вперед к крепостям богов

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