
To shed new light on the mechanism of the triplet superconductivity in Sr 2 RuO 4 , we have studied how the introduction of the off-site Coulomb repulsion ( V), which should enhance charge fluctuations, affects the pairing symmetry. We find, with the dynamical cluster approximation combined with the quantum Monte Carlo method and the fluctuation exchange approximation, that, while d x 2 - y 2 -pairing dominates over p in the absence of V, introduction of V favours p x + y and d xy pairs that are formed across second-neighbour sites, while d x 2 - y 2 , p x across nearest-neighbours are suppressed. The degenerate p x ± y should form a chiral p x + y +i p x - y , which has nodes around ( ± π ,0) and (0, ± π ) that is consistent with a recent measurement of the specific heat in rotating magnetic fields. So the present result, also confirmed with the fluctuation exchange approximation, provides an example where the off-site repulsion plays an essential role in the triplet superconductivity.

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