
We demonstrate that, in an appropriate limit, the off-shell M5-brane worldvolume action effectively captures the scalar potential of Seiberg–Witten theory perturbed by a small superpotential and, consequently, any nonsupersymmetric vacua that it describes. This happens in a similar manner to the emergence from M5's of the scalar potential describing certain type IIB flux configurations [J. Marsano, K. Papadodimas, M. Shigemori, Nonsupersymmetric brane/antibrane configurations in type IIA and M theory, Nucl. Phys. B 789 (2008) 294, arXiv: 0705.0983 [hep-th]]. We then construct exact nonholomorphic M5 configurations in the special case of SU ( 2 ) Seiberg–Witten theory deformed by a degree six superpotential which correspond to the recently discovered metastable vacua of Ooguri, Ookouchi, Park [H. Ooguri, Y. Ookouchi, C.S. Park, Metastable vacua in perturbed Seiberg–Witten theories, arXiv: 0704.3613 [hep-th]], and Pastras [G. Pastras, Non-supersymmetric metastable vacua in N = 2 SYM softly broken to N = 1 , arXiv: 0705.0505 [hep-th]]. These solutions take the approximate form of a holomorphic Seiberg–Witten geometry with harmonic embedding along a transverse direction and allow us to obtain geometric intuition for local stability of the gauge theory vacua. As usual, dynamical processes in the gauge theory, such as the decay of nonsupersymmetric vacua, take on a different character in the M5 description which, due to issues of boundary conditions, typically involves runaway behavior in MQCD.

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