
Abstract. Islamic city pure expression of culture and Islamic education and Qoranand “Ahle Baet ” asprocess orresources and the theory of Islamic culture .Therefore, Islamic city is not only the Framework, and marks the theological in terpretation is that it is culture .Unfortunately ,today this culture in the planning and design of cities under consideration , and in the history of many of the city for expatriates who are alienated and often conflicting with Islamic culture, regarded as design adopted and run to world or country. Therefore ,In this paper, using heuristic methods-explanatory and qualitative approach to explain the culture has been documented by studies and its purpose in the Islamic city is, in the hope that, the place of religion and culture in the Iran urbanism and the area to search for and pursue further explain view, be provided and at this paper ,researchers and administrators, especially city managers to the important and fundamental element in cities. The next problem to be shown ;Select the holy city of Qom and account information and images of Islamic culture and standards which have been examined,And in the end, given the characteristics of the Islamic city this result achieve demeaning far beyond of has the exist status city of Qom,Therefore it cannot be considered Islamic city of Qom.

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