
Abstract. On June 12, 2020, Alexander Borisovich Zorin would have turned 90. Most of his life A.B. Zorin worked at the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov in 1st clinic of surgery (of the perfection of doctors) named after P.A. Kupriyanov. He made a great contribution to the development of cardiovascular surgery in the Russian Federation, performed a number of fundamental research on the diagnosis and surgical treatment of heart defects, on May 31, 1988 he successfully transplanted a heart for the first time in Leningrad, was one of the initiators of the creation of the international program Heart-to-heart, thanks to which the cardiac surgeons of Leningrad got the opportunity to learn from their foreign colleagues. After demobilization in 1991 he headed the cardiac surgery departments in the city hospitals of St. Petersburg, and headed the department at the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. In 2003 A.B. Zorin was awarded the medal For the Contribution to the Development of Health Care in Russia, in 2004 he was awarded an insignia St. Petersburg Appreciation by the Governor of St. Petersburg Va.I. Matvienko and was elected an honorary member of the Public Council of Governors. In 2007 For the high achievements in the development of cardiac surgery, A.B. Zorin was awarded: The International Award named after Academician B.V. Petrovsky Outstanding cardiac surgeon of the world, the a prize named after A.N. Bakulev For a longstanding selfless and impeccable work and great personal contribution, the gold medal For outstanding achievements and unprecedented personal contribution to the development of the world surgery.

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