
Experimental data on survival curves for pion because of different peak widths under aerobic and hypoxic conditions are reported. Metabolic depletion of oxygen by the Chinese hamster cells (line V79) was used to obtain hypoxia. The results indicate that the RBE at the beam entrance (plateau) is approximately 1.0. When the Bragg peaks were broadened to widths of 1.3, 7.8, and 10.5 cm (at the 80% dose level), the RBE (50% cell survival) at the peak centres was 1.7, 1.6, and 1.2, respectively. The OER at the entrance was 2.4 compared with about 2.9 for X rays. The OER was independent of the survival level at which it was measured. The OER at the peak centres at widths of 1.3, 7.8, and 10.5 cm was 2.1, 2.4, and 2.2, respectively. These results indicate that, although the RBE at the centre of the 10.5 cm wide peak was significantly lower than at the centres of the 1.3 and 7.8 cm peaks, the OER values are similar for all peak widths used in this study.

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