
Abstract Introduction Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease of unknown aetiology characterized by noncaseating granulomas. Thyroid infiltration remains extremely rare. If present, it can cause diffuse goitre and rarely a solitarythyroid nodule. Almost all patients are euthyroid. Here, we report a case of systemic sarcoidosis with thyroid involvement. Case presentation A21-year-old female of Nepalese origin with past medical history of Asthma presented with painful eyes and was diagnosed with bilateral anterior uveitis. Symptoms improved with topical Dexamethasone and Cyclopentolate. A screening chest radiograph showed significant hilar adenopathy. Chest CT scan confirmed extensive mediastinal adenopathy particularly in the right paratracheal, subcarinal and hilar node suggestive of sarcoidosis. Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) revealed non-necrotising granulomas. There was no evidence of tuberculosis on any materials obtained. TB-PCR and AFB were both negative. Further investigations showed raised serum ACE (163 units/L) with normal adjusted calcium levels and normal 24-hour urine calcium levels. During follow up, she developed palpable cervical and submandibular lymphadenopathy. Systemic examination revealed a smooth goitre and erythema nodosum. She did not have any neck pain and remained clinically euothyroid. Thyroid ultrasound showed several small microlobulated hypoechoic regions in both thyroid lobes, the largest measuring 7 mm in the right and left upper poles. Fine needle aspiration cytology revealed granulomata consistent with thyroid sarcoidosis. The thyroid MDT recommend conservative management with periodic clinical and biochemical assessment. She remains well at 6 months of follow up. Conclusion Sarcoid granulomata within the thyroid gland remains rare. This case report illustrates that in patients with known sarcoidosis, careful thyroid assessment should be carried out. Presentation: No date and time listed

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