
The South-East Greenland margin is a type example of a volcanic rifted margin. The margin is characterised by a broad seaward-dipping reflector sequence (SDRS) composed of basalt that onlaps continental (mainly Precambrian) crust to the west and terminates eastward in oceanic crust of early Tertiary age (Figs 1, 2).


  • Background and operationsGeophysical databaseLegs 152 and 163 were planned on the basis of extensive seismic data over the South-East Greenland margin (Fig. 2)

  • Leg 152 confirmed that the seaward-dipping reflector sequence (SDRS) is a wedge ol' predominantly basallic malerial extruclecl subaerially in accord with lhe

  • The tindings during Leg 152 imply the presenee of a rapid tran ition from continenlal IO oceanic cruSl bclow the inner part of the SDRS

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Geophysical database

Legs 152 and 163 were planned on the basis of extensive seismic data over the South-East Greenland margin (Fig. 2). ADP and DSDP drill sile along lhe volcanic rifled margin of the 'orth Allalllic are ~hown. A number af important observations maele during Leg 152 dli Iling (EG63 Transeet an Fig. I) into the South-East Greenland SDRS signiticanLly affecteellhe delailed planning af Leg 163. These include lhe following: (I) the oecurrenee ol' high ly tilted lo subvenica! Leg 152 confirmed that the SDRS is a wedge ol' predominantly basallic malerial extruclecl subaerially in accord with lhe. Existing DSDP and aDP Siles o aDP Leg 163 Sites l - - - - Proposed aDP Leg 163 Site, not drilled

Kap Farvel
Drilling results
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