
The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, is the principal vector of Huanglongbing pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), which causes severe economic losses to citrus industry worldwide. Use of broad-spectrum insecticides to control D. citri has resulted in considerable resistance development. Specific chemosensory proteins such as odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are potentially involved in reduced insecticide susceptibility. However, functional data on the contribution of OBPs to reduced susceptibility of D. citri are unavailable. We found that DcitOBP2 was stably expressed in different developmental stages and highly expressed in the legs, head and cuticle of D. citri. Expression of DcitOBP2 was significantly induced by 12 to 48 h of imidacloprid exposure and ranged from a 1.34- to 2.44-fold increase. RNAi of DcitOBP2 increased the susceptibility of D. citri adults to imidacloprid. The purified recombinant protein of DcitOBP2 expressed in Escherichia coli showed strong in vitro binding activity (Kd = 62.39 nM) to imidacloprid using microscale thermophoresis technology (MST). DcitOBP2 also had strong binding ability to thiamethoxam and dinotefuran but it had no response to abamectin, fenpropathrin and chlorpyrifos. The results showed that DcitOBP2 can interact with several neonicotinoid insecticides. This suggests that DcitOBP2 is involved in the decreased susceptibility of D. citri to imidacloprid. Our data reveal a new function of insect OBPs as a buffering protein that helps insects survive insecticide exposure. Our investigation may also aid in the development of new methods for resistance management of D. citri.

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