
Owners of odor-emitting facilities currently lack effective strategies for assessing odorous impacts on communities. The most widely-used method for odor quantification is through estimates of odor concentration at impacted receptors in a community. This approach fails to account for the full range of dilutions over which an odor is experienced, the varied sensitivities of individuals in a population, and odor offensiveness. Therefore, dose-response relationships were developed to express the probability of response and degree of annoyance of a population as functions of odor concentration. Dispersion modeling can be used in conjunction with these relationships to calculate contours of probability of response and annoyance throughout the impacted community under many meteorological conditions. These contours serve as the basis for evaluating parameters that reflect various dimensions of odor impact on individual receptors and throughout the area of the impacted region. Spreadsheet software that was developed to aid in the calculation of these parameters is briefly presented.

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