
The sublethal effects of three different pesticides (a metal, organophosphate, and pyrethroid) on juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were evaluated using paired electrophysiological recordings from the olfactory epithelium and the olfactory bulb. Animals were exposed to copper (5–20 µg·L–1), chlorpyrifos (0.625–2.5 µg·L–1), or esfenvalerate (0.05–0.20 µg·L–1) for 7 days. Sublethal neurotoxicity was examined by recording odor-evoked field potentials from the sensory epithelium and olfactory forebrain using two natural odorants (taurocholic acid or L-serine). Copper and chlorpyrifos decreased the amplitudes of the epithelial and bulbar responses to both odorants in a concentration-dependent manner. Benchmark concentrations for a 20% loss of sensory function were 4.4 µg·L–1 for copper and 0.72 µg·L–1 for chlorpyrifos. Esfenvalerate did not affect the amplitude of odor-evoked field potentials. However, in the olfactory bulbs of coho exposed to 0.2 µg esfenvalerate·L–1, L-serine evoked distinct and irregular bursts of postsynaptic activity in the olfactory bulb, possibly indicating sublethal excitotoxicity to central networks. Collectively, these data indicate that periodic, non-point source contamination of salmon habitats with current-use pesticides could interfere with olfactory function and, by extension, olfactory-mediated behaviors that are important for the survival and migration of salmonids.

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