
We reinterpret the JIMWLK/KLWMIJ evolution equation as the QCD Reggeon field theory (RFT). The basic "quantum Reggeon field" in this theory is the unitary matrix $R$ which represents the single gluon scattering matrix. We discuss the peculiarities of the Hilbert space on which the RFT Hamiltonian acts. We develop a perturbative expansion in the RFT framework, and find several eigenstates of the zeroth order Hamiltonian. The zeroth order of this perturbation preserves the number of $s$ - channel gluons. The eigenstates have a natural interpretation in terms of the $t$ - channel exchanges. Studying the single $s$ - channel gluon sector we find the eigenstates which include the reggeized gluon and five other colored Reggeons. In the two ($s$ - channel) gluon sector we study only singlet color exchanges. We find five charge conjugation even states. The bound state of two reggeized gluons is the standard BFKL Pomeron. The intercepts of the other Pomerons in the large $N$ limit are $1+\omega_P=1+2\omega$ where $1+\omega$ is the intercept of the BFKL Pomeron, but their coupling in perturbation theory is suppressed by at least $1/N^2$ relative to the double BFKL Pomeron exchange. For the $[27,27]$ Pomeron we find $\omega_{[27,27]}=2\omega+O(1/N)>2\omega$. We also find three charge conjugation odd exchanges, one of which is the unit intercept Bartels-Lipatov-Vacca Odderon, while another one has an interecept greater than unity. We explain in what sense our calculation goes beyond the standard BFKL/BKP calculation. We make additional comments and discuss open questions in our approach.

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