
Unlike standard approaches to the interpretation of neo-avant-garde practices mainly based on Birger's interpretation, which has avant-garde as the starting point and institutionalization of avantgarde practices and loss of critical potential as the outcome, the aim of this research is to show that these practices are results of changes that can be identified in different registers and related to Kuhn's notion of the paradigm shift. The thesis of this research is that neoavant-garde practices are an introduction of a new mode of operation of artistic works, which basically represents a system. Such systemic way of functioning represents a critical departure from the notion of autonomy which is of key importance for the modernistic conception of art and for the introduction of a relational way of functioning of artistic works based on the connection of various elements, artistic and non artistic, as well as establishing of connections with non artistic systems. The systematic mode of operation of artistic works is, at the same time, an outcome of the post-war social context, strengthening of the consumerist society, dominance of the media of mass communication and mass culture whose effects are the mass production of images and their dominance in the visual register previously reserved for art. The conclusion of this research is that the system, viewed from today's point of view, is a transition period between dual (world vs. picture, abstraction vs. representation, high vs. mass art ...) and networked mode of operation, which is a key feature of art at the beginning of the 21st century.

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