
The architect Franja Urban belongs to the group of foreign architects who arrived in Belgrade in the wake of the First World War, leaving as a legacy a lasting contribution to its urban development and architectural design. Franja Urban arrived from Czechoslovakia as a result of links to the Ashkenazi Jewish community, and, from 1926 until his untimely death in 1937, he worked as a private architect specializing in the field of residential and industrial architecture. Although Urban left behind a rich architectural opus, so far no monographic article has been published that would shed light on and further valorize his work in Belgrade and beyond. This article stems from many years of research into Urban's life and work, and represents the first attempt to frame his work within the context of modern Serbian architecture.


  • While he had been certified as an architect in Belgrade since 1926, the first projects that he signed off on as their author date to 1927

  • Slovak architects have been present upon the Serbian scene

  • He was born on 15 December 1889 in Bertotovce

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While he had been certified as an architect in Belgrade since 1926, the first projects that he signed off on as their author date to 1927. Пре­ма ори­ги­нал­ном про­јек­ту, згра­да је тре­ба­ло да има два ста­на по спра­ту, међ­ у­тим, Ва­ ле­риј Ста­шев­ски (1882‒1945) на­кнад­но је ан­га­жо­ ван да из­вр­ши од­ре­ђе­не из­ме­не у про­стор­ној ор­гани­за­ци­ји.[27] Исте го­ди­не Ур­бан је про­јек­то­вао још јед­ну углов­ни­цу ко­ја је сру­ше­на у из­град­њи но­вог стам­бе­ног ком­плек­са то­ком осме де­це­ни­је два­де­се­ тог век­ а.

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