
The clock trees of high-performance synchronous circuits have many clock logic cells (e.g., clock gating cells, multiplexers and dividers) in order to achieve aggressive clock gating and required performance across a wide range of operating modes and conditions. As a result, clock tree structures have become very complex and difficult to optimize with automatic clock tree synthesis (CTS) tools. In advanced process nodes, CTS becomes even more challenging due to on-chip variation (OCV) effects. In this paper, we present a new CTS methodology that optimizes clock logic cell placements and buffer insertions in the top level of a clock tree. We formulate the top-level clock tree optimization problem as a linear program that minimizes a weighted sum of timing slacks, clock uncertainty and wirelength. Experimental results in a commercial 28nm FDSOI technology show that our method can improve post-CTS worst negative slack across all modes/corners by up to 320ps compared to a leading commercial provider's CTS flow.

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