
Here we are presenting a case of dengue fever presented with an atypical symptom of “oculogyric crisis” with features of multi organ dysfunction syndrome. Increased vascular permeability, plasma leakage, haemorrhagic manifestations, and thrombocytopenia are charecteristics of dengue fever. A 19 year old male patient, with no co-morbidity came to Dhiraj hospital with chief complaints of fever which was high grade & intermittent, it is associated with chills & rigours for 5 days. Also complain of abdominal pain over epigastric region, dull aching non radiating associated with decreased appetite since 5 days. Dengue infection has a wide range of clinical features. Neurological complications can occur in any spectrum of dengue infection. The diagnosis of oculogyric crisis is majorly clinical and it requires a focused detailed history and detailed physical examination to find out possible triggers for the crisis and to rule out other reasons for abnormal eye movements.

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