
Sefalosporinler beta-laktam turevi antibiyotiklerdir ve bakteri hucre duvari sentezini bozarak bakterisidal etki gosterirler (1). Sefuroksim 2. kusak sefalosporindir ve ozellikle intrakamaral yolla sefuroksim kullanimi katarakt cerrahisi profilaksisinde yaygin olarak kullanilmaktadir. Ulkemizde bircok ticari preparati mevcuttur. Intrakamaral sefuroksimin uygulanmasi sonrasinda en az 1 saat terapotik duzeyde kalabilmektedir (2). Bu yazida, intraokuler cerrahi sonrasinda sefuroksimin on kamaraya, olmasi gereken dozun 2,5 kati Abstract Cephalosporins are beta-lactam antibiotics and, like penicillin derivatives, they show bacteriostatic effect by disrupting bacterial cell wall synthesis. Cefuroxime is a second generation cephalosporin and the use of intracameral cefuroxime after cataract surgery has been widely used in the endophthalmitis prophylaxis. A 78-year-old male patient was operated for cataracts in both eyes about 8 years ago. Ocular trauma has occurred in the left eye nine months ago. Vitrectomy surgery combined with intraocular lens extraction was performed and the patient was left aphakic. Secondary intraocular lens implantation was performed. In this paper, we present postoperative ocular findings in a patient who was given cefuroxime into the anterior chamber 2.5 times higher than the recommended dose (25 mg/ml) after secondary intraocular lens implantation.

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