
Ocular signs and symptoms of Ebola infection initially suggest banal conjunctivitis, but in advanced cases severe haemorrhagic conjunctivitis appears and, in the final stage of the disease, retinal and chorioidal haemorrhages may occur which can cause even blindness. Although the viral infection accompanied by ocular symptoms of a non-specific conjunctivitis, the high fever present from the onset of the disease should raise the suspicion of Ebola infection. There is no causal therapy know so far, and the only adjunctive treatment may be delivered by an ophthalmologist. Because the virus can be detected in the tear, it can theoretically be the mediator of the infection and, therefore, ophthalmological examinations should be carried out with the highest caution. In case of suspected Ebola infection the nearest competent healthcare authority should be immediately alerted in order to take further actions.

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