
To assess the frequency and to identify the predisposing factors for ocular surface disorders in ICU patients. Prospective observational study of all patients admitted to the ICU complex of SRMSIMS between1st January to 31 st April 2016 for a minimum period of 5 days. Patients will be observed for abnormalities of the lid , conjunctiva, cornea and tear film by diffuse illumination aided by Schirmer's Test, corneal and conjunctival staining and conjunctival swab when required. Other factors like consciousness, use of a ventilator, preexisting comorbidities shall also be noted. Patients will be observed on Day1, 5, 6, and so on. 60 eyes of 30 patients were examined . In mechanically ventilated patients , 36 eyes (60%) had conjunctival hyperemia which resolved upon intervention which included antibiotics and lubricants . 18 eyes (9%) had conjunctival discharge which resolved upon intervention. 12 eyes (20%) were stain positive. The critically ill often develop ocular surface disorders, especially when sedated and immobilized. A close relationship was observed between these conditions and the inability to close one's eyes. The presence of ocular surface disease was closely correlated with the degree of lagophthalmos, which in turn was closely related to the depth of sedation or paralysis.

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