
To report the improvement of diarrhea in a patient with cytomegalovirus (CMV) colitis who was treated with octreotide after failure of loperamide. An 84-year-old male presented with chronic diarrhea and CMV colitis; he had been experiencing protracted diarrhea since 2006. In October 2009 he failed a 21-day course of valgancyclovir 900 mg orally twice daily. Several months later, due to continuing diarrhea and progressive malnutrition, a colonoscopy and subsequent biopsy again showed CMV. In March 2010 he was started on a 28-day course of intravenous ganciclovir 130 mg daily. Three weeks into treatment he continued with copious amounts of diarrhea, with no relief from loperamide, which was titrated from 2 mg/day to 2 mg every 6 hours. On day 20 of ganciclovir treatment he was started on octreotide 50 μg subcutaneously every 8 hours; within a few days, the patient began to experience decreased stool frequency and consistency. He completed the full 28-day course of ganciclovir, with octreotide continuing unchanged, with much improvement in his diarrheal symptoms and improvement in appetite, nutritional status, and quality of life. Studies regarding the treatment of CMV colitis-associated diarrhea are scarce, and are typically limited to treating the underlying cause with antiviral medications and with the addition of antimotility agents. Three cases have been reported in the literature in which octreotide was used for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea, none of which was refractory to loperamide. This is the first known case of a patient with chronic diarrhea due to CMV colitis that was unresponsive to loperamide, required protracted antiviral treatment (valgancyclovir and gancyclovir), and subsequently experienced relief by the use of octreotide 50 μg subcutaneously every 8 hours.

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