
The transition between pluripotent and tissue-specific states is a key aspect of development. Understanding the pathways driving these transitions will facilitate the engineering of properly differentiated cells for experimental and therapeutic uses. Here, we showed that during mesoderm differentiation, the transcription factor Oct1 activated developmental lineage-appropriate genes that were silent in pluripotent cells. Using mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) with an inducible knockout of Oct1, we showed that Oct1 deficiency resulted in poor induction of mesoderm-specific genes, leading to impaired mesodermal and terminal muscle differentiation. Oct1-deficient cells exhibited poor temporal coordination of the induction of lineage-specific genes and showed inappropriate developmental lineage branching, resulting in poorly differentiated cell states retaining epithelial characteristics. In ESCs, Oct1 localized with the pluripotency factor Oct4 at mesoderm-associated genes and remained bound to those loci during differentiation after the dissociation of Oct4. Binding events for Oct1 overlapped with those for the histone lysine demethylase Utx, and an interaction between Oct1 and Utx suggested that these two proteins cooperate to activate gene expression. The specificity of the ubiquitous Oct1 for the induction of mesodermal genes could be partially explained by the frequent coexistence of Smad and Oct binding sites at mesoderm-specific genes and the cooperative stimulation of mesodermal gene transcription by Oct1 and Smad3. Together, these results identify Oct1 as a key mediator of mesoderm lineage-specific gene induction.

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