
to evaluate and classify visual dyslexic students, considering that developmental dyslexia subtypes are not differentiated in most diagnoses and that they affect a generalized approach. Cross-sectional, observational, analytical study composed of 80 students, divided into two groups, GA (dyslexics) and GB (without complaints of learning difficulties) using PROLEC (proof of assessment of reading processes), TVPS - 3 (Visual Test of Perceptual Skills) and TPMBO (Bruininks-Oseretsky Motor Proficiency Test) - subtests 7 and 8. Comparing the groups, the students of GA presented inferior performance in all the PROLEC tests and in the TVPS3 tests. The TPMBO tests of visuomotor coordination and manual dexterity tests were inferior. In a second stage, screening the visual dyslexics, 12 (30%) schoolchildren were found, who presented better performance in reading frequent words, when compared to the performance in reading infrequent words and pseudowords. In the visual perceptual skills (TVPS-3), they obtained values below 50%, except for the subscale constancy of form. The occurrences of exchanges in reading aloud were in confusion of letters, syllables or words with little difference in the way of writing, but different in the direction, the same students did not present exchanges or confusions between letters, which have the same point and manner of articulation, and whose sounds are acoustically close. Thus, characterizing the dyslexia subtype is fundamental, because the application of therapeutic techniques will depend on the correct focus of the observed changes. Therefore, an accurate and multidisciplinary diagnosis is required.


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  • Purpose: to evaluate and classify visual dyslexic students, considering that developmental dyslexia subtypes are not differentiated in most diagnoses and that they affect a generalized approach

  • Cross-sectional, observational, analytical study composed of 80 students, divided into two groups, grupo triado (GA) and GB using PROLEC, TVPS – 3 (Visual Test of Perceptual Skills) and Teste de Proficiência Motora de Bruininks-Oseretsky (TPMBO) (Bruininks-Oseretsky Motor Proficiency Test) - subtests 7 and 8

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Dyslexia Reading Handwriting Visual Perception Students

Objetivo: Avaliar e classificar escolares disléxicos visuais, considerando que, subtipos de dislexia do desenvolvimento não são diferenciados na maioria dos diagnósticos e que os mesmos incidem em uma abordagem generalizada. Triando os disléxicos visuais foram encontrados 12 (30%) escolares, que apresentaram melhor desempenho na leitura de palavras frequentes, quando comparados ao desempenho na leitura de palavras não frequentes e pseudopalavras. As ocorrências de trocas na leitura em voz alta, foram em confusão de letras, silabas ou palavras com pouca diferença na forma de escrever, mas diferentes na direção, os mesmos escolares não apresentaram trocas ou confusões entre letras, que possuem mesmo ponto e modo articulatório, e cujos sons são acusticamente próximos.

Processo Semântico
Identificação de Letras
Desvio padrão
Marcar Pontos
Contribuição dos autores
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