
ABSTRACT: Laminitis is a disease that affects the dermis and epidermis of the bovine hoof, generating changes in the hoof capsule. This study evaluated the effects of clinical laminitis diagnosed after the adaptation phase to confinement on the morphology, density, and mineral composition of the hoof of Nellore cattle after finishing. The animals were separated in the first weeks of confinement into a sick group (SG), with clinical laminitis, and a healthy group (HG). SG animals had higher heel length, dorsal wall length, toe height, and diagonal hoof length (p<0.05) than healthy animals. The dermal laminae had similar measurements for thickness, length, and spacing between them between SG and HG. Animals with laminitis showed congestion, hemorrhage, and basement membrane irregularities on histology. Computed microtomography (μCT) revealed that the hoof density of sick animals is lower than healthy ones. According to the mineral composition by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometry, the hooves of animals with laminitis (SG) and healthy ones (HG) were not biochemically different. Therefore, the occurrence of clinical laminitis in Nellore cattle in the first weeks of confinement causes an increase in the morphometric parameters of the hoof capsule and a reduction in the density of the abaxial hoof wall evaluated after the finishing period. This disease does not promote changes in the histomorphometric parameters of the dermal laminae and the percentage of minerals in the abaxial hoof wall.

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