
Preface. Observational characteristics of internal temperature fluctuations in the mid-latitude North Pacific (Jae-Yul Yun, J.M. Price and L. Magaard). Tidal computation of the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East Sea (Sok Kuk Kang, Sang-Ryong Lee and Ki-Dai Yum). Nonlinear Rossby waves in the inertial boundary current and their possible relation to the variability of the Kuroshio (Qinyu Liu and Zenghao Qin). Laboratory experiments of periodically forced homogenous flow in a rotating cylindrical container (Jungyul Na and Bongho Kim). Remote sensing for modelling of variation in primary production field (Akira Harashima). Reflection of the oceanic fronts on the satellite radar images (L.M. Mitnik and V.B. Lobanov). SST structure of the polar front in the Japan Sea (Y. Isoda, S. Saitoh and M. Mihara). A numerical experiment on the seasonal variation of the oceanic circulation in the Japan Sea (Yoshihiko Sekine). On the Intermediate Water in the southeastern East Sea ( Sea of Japan ) (C.H. Kim, H.-J. Lie and K.-S. Chu). Modern sedimentation off San'in district in the southern Japan Sea (K. Ikehara). Effects of winter cooling on subsurface hydrographic conditions off Korean coast in the East ( Japan ) Sea (Young-Ho Seung and Soo-Yong Nam). An observation of sectional velocity structures and transport of the Tsushima Current across the Korea Strait (A. Kaneko, S.-K. Byun, S.-D. Chang and M. Takhashi). Measuring transports through straits (D. Prandle). A cross-spectral analysis of small voltage variation in a submarine cable between Hamada and Pusan with speed variation of the Tsushima Warm Current (Kazuo Kawatate et al.). Outflows from straits (Takashi Ichiye). Dispersal patterns of river-derived fine-grained sediments on the inner shelf (S.C. Park and K.S. Chu). Estimation of atmospheric variables and fluxes on the ocean surface around Korean Peninsula (In-Sik Kang and Maeng-Ki Kim). Identification of water masses in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea by cluster analysis (K. Kim et al.). Synoptic band wintertime heat exchanges in the Yellow Sea (Y. Hsueh and J.H. Tinsman, III). Numerical prediction of the vertical thermal structure in the Bohai and Huanghai Seas: Two dimensional numerical prediction model (Wang Zongshan et al.). Development of towed vehicle systems for acoustic doppler current profiler (W. Koterayama et al.). A study of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea and the currents east of the Ryukyu Islands in 1988 (Yaochu Yuan, Jilan Su and Ziqin Pan). Three numerical models of Guanhe estuary (Zhang Dongsheng and Ahang Changkuan). Geostrophic current and associated vertical motion off northeastern Taiwan (Hsien-Wen Li). Water volume transport through the Taiwan Strait and the continental shelf of the East China Sea measured with current meters (Guohong Fang, Baoren Zhao and Yaochua Zhu). A subsurface northward current off Mindanao identified by dynamic calculation (D. Hu, M.C. Cui and T.D. Qu).

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