
China Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea are semi-enclosed sea which locate between China continent and Korea peninsula, and affected by high turbid runoffs and strong monsoon. With the significant seasonal variation in temperate zone and local interests about fishery and ecosystem security in Margin Sea, China Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea is a good place for ocean primary production observation and researches. China has its own ocean satellite HY-1A in year 2002, and accumulated nearly two years of ocean color data, which can apply to marine environmental protection and resources management. Utilized the data of HY-1A aboard sensor, COCTS, ocean primary production of China Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea from July, 2002 to July, 2003 was estimated with a local primary production model. The seasonal evolution of algal biomass and external environmental changes, like depth of euphotic layer (Zeu), photosynthetic available radiation (PAR), and sea surface temperature (SST), affect the primary production in a complex way. Based on the input parameters of algorithm, spatial and temporal variation of primary production in China Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea was analyzed, revealing a maximum in summer, and a minimum in winter, and the offshore maximum front of primary production is significantly observed, under the balance of available light and nutrient limitation. The application of China ocean satellite data shows its good performance in the retrieval of compound biological and chemical parameters.

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