
The {ital {ital k}},{ital {ital k}}{prime} dependence of spectral function {alpha}{sup 2}{ital F}({Omega},{ital {ital k}},{ital {ital k}}{prime}) is calculated based on the extended two story house model in which carriers itinerate in the region of local antiferromagnetic ordering composed of the localized spins. The following results are obtained: (1) {ital d}-wave pairing occurs even for the phonon mechanism; (2) the out-of-plane phonon modes contribute to the superconductivity in cuprates while those like breathing modes do not contribute significantly; and (3) the electron-phonon interaction in CuO{sub 5} type cuprates is stronger than in CuO{sub 6} type cuprates. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}

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