
The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence and spatial distribution of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like compounds in topsoils of Taranto (Apulia Region), one of the most heavily industrialized and contaminated area of Southern Italy. A combined approach of chemical analysis by GC-MS/MS and AhR reporter gene bioassay was applied in a subset of topsoil samples (n = 20) collected in 2017-18 from ten sites embracing three levels of risk (from high to low) in the framework of a large survey inside Taranto municipality. TCDD-BEQs and GC-MS/MS TEQWHO and TEQTHEORETICAL revealed a decreasing trend with the distance from main industrial settings and landfill areas. A strong correlation between TCDD-BEQs and TEQWHO values (R2 = 0.85) and TEQTHEORETICAL (R2 = 0.88) was also found. In 3 out of 10 topsoil investigated, BEQs and TEQWHO/THEORETICAL resulted above Italian National Regulatory Limits for ∑PCDD/Fs in green, private and recreational used soils (10 ng TEQ/kg d.w. D.Lgs 152/2006) and for ∑PCDD/F/dl-PCBs in agricultural and farming soil (6 ng TEQ/kg d.w. D.M. 46/2019). GC-MS/MS pattern revealed the highest prevalence of dl-PCBs in 6 out of 10 sites, followed by PCDFs and PCDDs. Those sites are all located in proximity of main industrial steel and iron ore sinter plant, steel plant’s landfills and illegal dumping sites. An update on occurrence and spatial distribution of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs contamination of Taranto urban soils was obtained and the DR-CALUX® bioassay was further recommended as a suitable screening tool for environmental and human risk assessment.

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