
Introduction. Health care belongs to a group of economic activities with a high risk of occupational diseases (OD) and occupational injuries (OI), which harm workers and are one of the reasons for the decline in the share of the working-age population. Material and methods. The analysis of OD and OI in Health care has been carried out for 2010-2020. Alignment of the dynamic range and linear regression analysis was performed. The results are extensive and intensive variables, absolute and average values, minimum and maximum values, calculated coefficients. Results. During the observed period in the Irkutsk region, the occupational morbidity rate significantly decreased (from 4.27 for the 2010 year to 2.25 for the 2020 year per 10000 employees). In Health care, this trend is not observed (3.1 for the 2010 year and 6.5 for the 2020 year per 10000 employees). The share of occupational morbidity rate in Health care workers was 6.7-16.5% in the overall structure of OD. The analysis of the OI dynamics indicates a steady decrease in the total number of accidents at the enterprises of the Irkutsk region by 1.3-1.5 times. In Health care, OI levels do not change significantly (1.28 and 1.29 for 2010 and 2019, respectively); the average long-term level of OI risk was 1.20. The share of injuries in the Health care sector is comparable to the number of accidents in the leading sectors of the economy. During the analyzed period, the OI share among healthcare workers increased (from 3.5% for 2010 to 15.3 % for 2019, p<0.01). Conclusion. The dynamics of the relative indicators of injuries in the Healthcare of the Irkutsk region is characterized by instability for the period 2010-2019; therefore, it is necessary to take systemic measures to manage occupational risks.

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