
Occupant model environments (MADYMO) are developed for four surrogate vehicles for injury risk computation in frontal crash fleet simulations: a small passenger car, a midsize passenger car, a midsize sport utility vehicle and a full size pickup truck. This research supports the initial implementation of a novel methodology for Evaluating Fleet, i.e., self and partner, Protection (EFP) of new vehicle designs through a systems modeling approach driven by structural and occupant modeling and real world crash and full scale test data. A two part general framework for development of occupant models for fleet vehicles is established: model development (Part I) and model verification and robustness evaluation (Part II). In Part I, current generic occupant models with seat belt and airbag restraints are obtained from restraint manufacturers and then modified to reflect the interior geometry and clearances of the desired vehicle. Data from finite element structural simulations, including the occupant compartment geometry, crash pulse, and toe pan intrusions, are utilized to drive the MADYMO models. Restraint system and dummy seating changes are incorporated to achieve a realistic match for both midsize male and small female driver dummy responses from available frontal crash tests. Part II involves comparing occupant responses from simulation and test data, and assessing trends in occupant responses in selected crash configurations for application in frontal crash fleet simulations.

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