
Patient, male, 13 years old, was referred to Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb under the diagnosis of HPV‐associated oral papillomas. Oral papillomas have spread across oral cavity and were especially prominent in buccal regions. Topical treatment with interferon‐β (Fiblaferon gel®, Biosyn, Fellbach, Germany) was ordered by the Department of Oral Medicine. Papillomas on the oral aspect of cheeks were prominent and they were often injured during mastication and parafunctional activities, which included chewing on papillomas, and that facilitated their growth and made medicamentous therapy more difficult. Accordingly development of the protective occlusal splint was proposed. Alginate impressions were taken for both upper and lower jaw and stone casts were purred. Casts were mounted into SAM 2P (SAM Gmbh, Munchen, Germany) articulator using face bow registration and intercuspal jaw position. Splint was manufactured on semiresilient polyurethane foil with it's occlusal and buccal pelotes developed from self‐curing acrylate. Pelotes were designed to keep buccal mucosa away from teeth during sleep and to prevent parafunctional biting. Patient was ordered to wear splint during the night and day except when eating. Because this kind of therapy has long duration period, final results of these combined prosthodontic and medicamentous therapy will be presented.

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