
Large volumes of water are released to the atmosphere through evaporation from soil and transpiration from vegetation, constituting evapotranspiration (ET). Estimating the water consumption in vegetated areas is important for the management and rational use of this resource. For this study were processed orbital images which correspond to Quixeré-CE, with interest at the Frutacor Farm, where there is predominance the banana crop. The main objective of this study was to assess the accuracy and applicability of S-SEBI and SSEB algorithms with regard to SEBAL to estimate the actual daily evapotranspiration ETa) of a semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil, containing areas of banana orchard, native vegetation (caatinga) and bare soil. S-SEBI. The SSEB and SSEB algorithms showed strong correlation (r > 0.93) with statistical significance of 5%. The S-SEBI exhibited errors less than 12% in the orchard and caatinga and SSEB exhibited greater errors at 22%, though for the bare soil, both models showed large discrepancies when compared with SEBAL, with errors greater than 36%. Therefore, among the two algorithms compared with SEBAL, S-SEBI had a better performance in ETa estimation with lower deviations.

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