
The article gives a general description of baking additives and improvers , types , purposes and technology of use . The indicators of quality and safety of baking additives are presented . Finely dispersed powders from cereals , leguminous crops and bran from them are considered as additives . As a result of studying the chemical and microbiological indicators of fine powders from cereals and legumes , the following were selected : fine powders from wheat , oats , buckwheat and lentils , as the most complete in terms of nutritional value , in order to further s tudy t he p ossibility o f o btaining s pecial a dditives f rom t hem o r u sing t hem a s b aking i mprovers . The m ass f raction o f p rotein i n t he s tudied s amples v aried f rom 9.05 t o 22.82%. The l argest a mount o f p rotein f rom t he f ine p owders c onsidered i s c ontained i n l entil p owder (22.82%). The m ass f raction o f f iber r anged f rom 8.81 t o 13.13% w ith t he h ighest c ontent i n f ine b uckwheat p owder (13.13%). As a r esult o f t he a nalysis o f t he c hemical c omposition o f f ine p owders f rom c ereals a nd l egumes f or f urther c omparative c haracteristics , t he f ollowing f ine p owders f rom w heat , o ats , b uckwheat a nd l entils w ere s elected a s t he m ost c omplete i n n utritional v alue .

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