
Background: The knowledge on causes, symptoms and consequences of obstructive diseases in Polish society is rather weak. Polish and World Spirometry Days are some of the methods to enhance the awareness of these diseases. Material: 9355 people were examined. Medical interview and pulmonary function test were completed. Information on occurrence of respiratory diseases symptoms, allergies, smoking and detailed data on the place of residence were collected. Final analyses encompassed results of 2175 people (1187 in 2013 and 988 in 2014). Results: We identified 421 cases of obstruction (234 in 2013, 187 in 2014) which is 19.4% of the analysed group. For 1271 people (58.4% of the whole group) it was the first spirometry test in their life. Among them 218 cases of obstruction were found. Amid people who have not previously been diagnosed with asthma or COPD (N=1922), obstruction was diagnosed in 349 individuals (18.2% of this group). Generally mean values of FEV 1 , FVC and FEV 1 /FVC met the GOLD guidelines. Decreasing pulmonary function was however observed in smokers, but also in non-smokers living in cities (FEV 1 lower by 4.5-9.3% as compared to rural areas inhabitants) and closer to roads with high traffic density (FEV 1 lower by 5.1% in people living 150m from road). Conclusion: Due to the low awareness on chronic respiratory diseases and their relationship with smoking and quality of the environment, such screening tests and promotion of appropriate knowledge are of great importance. Otherwise significant part of the Polish population will still be unknowingly living with obstructive disease.

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