
A patient in her early 20s presented with constant and progressive lower abdominal and back pain, mainly on the right side of the abdomen, purulent vaginal discharge and pyrexia. A radiological assessment revealed a possible tubo-ovarian abscess and the incidental diagnosis of ipsilateral renal agenesis. The patient was treated for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID); however, after antibiotic administration and since the symptoms did not resolve, an abdominal MRI was requested, which revealed uterus didelphys with two cervices, an obstructed haemivagina and evidence of haematocolpos. The diagnosis of Obstructed Hemi-Vagina with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis (OHVIRA) syndrome was confirmed, and the patient underwent the excision of the vaginal septum, the drainage of the haematopyocolpos and the laparoscopic drainage of the tubo-ovarian abscess. She achieved a good recovery.

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