
The United States holds the distinction of being the developed country with the worst perinatal outcomes despite spending the most per capita on health care. Black women are three to four times more likely than White women to experience adverse birth outcomes. These outcomes persist despite access to prenatal care, insurance, and college education. A long overdue racial reckoning has arrived, beginning with acknowledging the fallacy of race-based medicine and the role of enduring systemic racism as foundational to obstetric racism in the reproductive lives of Black women. Centering voices of Black women and honoring their lived experiences are essential to providing respectful maternity care. Naming micro- and macroaggressions experienced by Black women allows for dismantling of systemic barriers which perpetuate inequitable outcomes and enable substandard care. Racial concordance (shared racial identity) is one tool to consider in creating safe health care spaces for Black women. Improving diversity of the nursing workforce specifically, and the health care workforce in general, is necessary to affect racial concordance. Application of skills in cultural humility can mitigate challenges associated with adverse patient encounters for Black women as diversity pipeline strategies are explored. Histories of foundational fallacy, their impact on care and outcomes, and patient-driven indicators for improving pregnancy care experiences for women of color are explored through the lens of a Black physician and the collective reproductive health workforce.

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