
There were 384 cases of PROM giving incidence of 5.2%. The incidence of PROM was higher in case of rural, young, primigravida patients. PROM more commonly occurred after 37 weeks and majority of patients delivered vaginally. The indications for LSCS were mainly fetal distress and non progressive first stage. Patients were managed aggressively and 355 (92.5%) of them were delivered within 24 hours. Maternal morbidity was 3.12% and maternal mortality was 0.26%. Neonatal morbidity was 3.38% and neonatal mortality was 2.86%. The majority of neonatal deaths occurred in preterm infants and newborns with low birth weight. CONCLUSIONS: PROM was associated with low birth weight and prematurity and thus led to high perinatal mortality. Maternal and neonatal morbidity were also increased. A proposed plan of "Aggressive management" irrespective of term of gestation is final answer to decrease maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.

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