
The obstetric performance of patients admitted with spurious labor was evaluated. The incidence of fetal distress in labor was significantly higher in those who had spurious labor (16.7%) than in those who were established in labor within 24 hours of admission (3.8%). An equivocal or ominous fetal heart rate trace on admission was related to the occurrence of fetal distress in labor in both the spurious labor group and the normal labor group. Positive predictive value of a normal test was low in the spurious labor group. Obstetric interventions such as augmentation (35.7%) and operative deliveries (41.0%) were significantly higher in the spurious labor group than in the normal labor group (19.7% and 18.8%, respectively). The induction rate in the spurious labor group was 15.5%. The use of oxytocin for augmentation and induction of labor seems to contribute to the increased incidence of fetal distress and operative deliveries in the spurious labor group. The spurious labor group also had a higher incidence of fetal distress than the control group even among the patients who did not receive oxytocin. The results suggest that patients with an episode of spurious labor constitute a high-risk group with a considerable risk of fetal distress and obstetric interventions in subsequent labor.

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