
Global health is an important and far-reaching concept in which health and access to surgical and anaesthetic care is crucial. Universal access to anaesthesia is a challenge in many countries. Manpower shortages are an important cause of difficulties and each European country has found different ways of facing a lack of healthcare professionals. In obstetric anaesthesia, the availability of competent anaesthesiologists has been related to the morbidity and mortality outcomes of patients.In this narrative review, authors from different European countries explain how manpower is managed in obstetric anaesthesia in delivery suites and obstetric operating rooms in different settings. To address manpower difficulties and issues, the goals are to achieve a minimum standard of care and at the same time, to promote clinical excellence through training, delegation to younger or less experienced colleagues, direct or at-a-distance supervision, or other means.The experience of sharing knowledge about the way in which manpower and service provision are organised in other healthcare settings is a significant opportunity to develop strategies for advancing tomorrow’s obstetric anaesthesia in the world. While taking into account the level of socio-economic development in different countries, the aim is to standardise practice and workload organisation. Co-operative international projects in training and education in obstetric anaesthesia are ways in which better obstetric patient care can be achieved in the future.

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