
The school is a social institution established by the community to educate and educate its children and to help them grow and develop mentally, kinesthetically, socially and emotionally with the life they live in the past, present and future. Within the framework of this philosophy, to develop the students’ personality, direct their inclinations, reveal their abilities and aptitudes in the school fields, and the school scouting activity is one of the important educational activities that aim to educate the individual in a balanced manner, provide many opportunities for moral and social formation, develop national responsibility, and implant in the hearts of its members loyalty and belonging to the homeland. Scouting is A global movement through which workers work to help the youth to develop their personality by providing them with mental, social, physical and health experiences. Hence the importance of this study to reveal those scouting obstacles from the point of view of the scout team leaders in Thi Qar Governorate, and to stand on the aspects of strength and development and aspects of weakness and to make recommendations

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