
Employment is a historical issue that occurs at a specific stage in the process of modernization. According to Marx's theory of historical materialism, employment is a problem that arises in modernization, particularly in industrialization and urbanization. China faces two challenges in its modernization process: insufficient development of its productive forces and current production relations that do not facilitate the development of productive forces. China is in the primary stage of socialism, where mechanized production replaces traditional production modes, resulting in a continuous decline in labor demand while labor supply is increasing. The internal production forces and production relations within society cannot interact, leading to oversupply in the labor market and resulting in a surplus of labor. At the same time, modernization requires a fundamentally new approach to employment in China, while the current employment situation is far from meeting modernization requirements. Therefore, the Chinese government must follow Marx's theory of historical materialism, and deeply reform and innovate its systems and mechanisms to achieve complete unity between production relations and productive forces. Only then can employment problems be solved.

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