
SUMMARY Having defined the terms of trade, the author deals with the restrictions resulting from their use, for instance, in their statistical application, and, he gives a survey of the theories on the subject. He goes on to examine the various views on the terms of trade between primary commodities and manufactures and on those between developed and developing countries. However, generalizations on the matter are difficult. The widely di-vergent opinions are due in great part to uncomplete and defective statistical material. The trend of the terms of trade between primary commodities and manufactures and between developed and developing countries (which is not necessary the same) has but little significance. It is therefore to be regretted that economic policy recommendations are based on the assumption that the terms of trade will deteriorate. This is in fact what happened in numerous papers prepared for the two UNCTAD-conferences. There is no relationship between the terms of trade and economic development. The author concludes that the use of the terms of trade is to be avoided, except, in the last resort, for the study of a specified country and for a period not longer than some years. Moreover, an appropriate comment, for instance, on the productivity trends and the quantities traded, is necessary. The developing countries have, therefore, no interest in giving priority to the terms of trade.

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